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South East 5th July South Coast meet, Langstone Harbour.


The French Connection
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An idea has been spawned to have a meet at Eastney on Portsea Island. Do we have any takers? I've suggested 5th July, what do the South Coast folk think?
Maybe in the 'new world' for me, don't fancy the ferry trip, got little ones to think about, but hope it goes well
Seems like enough interest to make it official. I'll have to check out the car park as it has a height restriction which I think is 2m.
So I went down to Eastney today to check out the intended car park meeting place but I think it's a bit Elgrand unfriendly. There is quite a low barrier and as Bob says very potholed, so I think it's likely that wheels, skirts and roofs may suffer. The car park a bit further along is better but the view is of a council estate rather than the sea so i will reappraise things and update with a more favourable location in due course.
So I went down to Eastney today to check out the intended car park meeting place but I think it's a bit Elgrand unfriendly. There is quite a low barrier and as Bob says very potholed, so I think it's likely that wheels, skirts and roofs may suffer. The car park a bit further along is better but the view is of a council estate rather than the sea so i will reappraise things and update with a more favourable location in due course.

What about here -

Langstone Harbour Viewing Car Park(Eastern Rd,Portsmouth Eastern Rd, Portsmouth PO3 6QB 07879 335971 https://maps.app.goo.gl/Dm3TRDT1uCuN5o2w5

It has a height barrier but I think most do in Portsmouth.
and i think the pipeline is finished
do you think that by the 5th the top of portsdown might be calmer
Possibly, but on July 4th there may be further relaxation of lockdown so who knows in these strange times.
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Had a mosey on down to the Langstone viewing car park and it looks fine for a meet, there's a 2m barrier but dead smooth underneath so no clearance issues (especially for anyone attending with lowered suspension), and in fact it looks not to be locked. Lovely spot to look out over the water whilst debating all that is good about Elgrand ownership.

I think following that we can perhaps make a return to Portsdown Hill in August as the novelty of being let back out will have worn off by then and people will be sick of queuing for everything.

so are we still on for Langstone on the Sunday weather is not too shabby
Yes indeedy.