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Tracking your Elgrand

Hi all need your help. Just had 4 new tyres put on the Ellie, Purposely chose Kwik Fit due to them having a Hunter. Tyres all on, went to track it and the machine only comes up as 2010 onwards and E52 so they said they couldn't do it.

Guys, any ideas? They will check the tracking for free and obviously charge if they need to do anything, they say we can take the Ellie back to them but they don't know the settings or whatever...

Ours is E51 Rider 2007 2wd

Thanks in advance.
Hi all need your help. Just had 4 new tyres put on the Ellie, Purposely chose Kwik Fit due to them having a Hunter. Tyres all on, went to track it and the machine only comes up as 2010 onwards and E52 so they said they couldn't do it.

Guys, any ideas? They will check the tracking for free and obviously charge if they need to do anything, they say we can take the Ellie back to them but they don't know the settings or whatever...

Ours is E51 Rider 2007 2wd

Thanks in advance.

They went in to the wrong menu on the system. It's Nissan > caravan > Elgrand
They went in to the wrong menu on the system. It's Nissan > caravan > Elgrand
Thank you, Husband is literally on the phone to them now relaying this info, will report back.
Right... Bless 'em, they had look on the system whilst Husband was on the phone and they don't have 'caravan' on their system. They had 'Cab Star' or something.

They just asked if the E52 settings are the same but I told Husband 'no' after reading that on here.

Why TF is nothing bloody simple?

FFS, I really want this done! No point in spending so much money on 4 Cross Climates when they are possibly being pushed down the road. Grrrrrrrr.
Tell 'em to look for Homy. I have the spec in the manual but they probably wouldn't understand it.
Tell 'em to look for Homy. I have the spec in the manual but they probably wouldn't understand it.
Hi, sorry to sound like a dick but do I have to say 'Just look for Homy' or 'Go to Elgrand then Homy'?
Here you go


  • Front Suspension.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 413
  • Rear Suspension.pdf
    907.2 KB · Views: 251
@Claptrap has had it done but he's probably getting pissed on at Jap Trap or whatever show it is. Have a look through his Project Kuro thread.
@Claptrap has had it done but he's probably getting pissed on at Jap Trap or whatever show it is. Have a look through his Project Kuro thread.
Will sniff, thanks, already got a headache, I thought taking it to Kwik-Fit was the easy option! :rolleyes::sob:
Had the same problems as you but they set it up as a E52 just haven't had the time to get it sorted out with Hunter.
We couldn't find it under caravan or homey but since I've had it done I did read somewhere that it's under the system "others"just haven't had the time to sort it yet
Had the same problems as you but they set it up as a E52 just haven't had the time to get it sorted out with Hunter.
We couldn't find it under caravan or homey but since I've had it done I did read somewhere that it's under the system "others"just haven't had the time to sort it yet
View attachment 19342
Thank you, Andy. Much appreciated.
Bear in mind that the setting for Highway Star variants are different to all other variants.